• Pet Scams

    At PDF Logistics, we understand the importance of trust and transparency when it comes to pet transportation.

Unfortunately, pet scams have become increasingly prevalent, leaving unsuspecting pet owners devastated. We want to ensure that you are aware of the risks and empowered to make informed decisions to safeguard your hard-earned money and the well-being of your furry companions.

Pet scams often involve fraudulent individuals or websites posing as legitimate pet sellers. They lure unsuspecting buyers with attractive offers, heartwarming photos, and false promises. These scammers typically request upfront payments for pets that don’t exist or may use deceptive practices to exploit your emotions.

To protect yourself from pet scams, we advise the following:

Research and verify: Thoroughly research the seller or website. Check for online reviews, testimonials, and contact information. Legitimate sellers will be transparent and provide you with necessary details.

  • Physical visit: Whenever possible, visit the seller’s location to meet the pet and ensure its existence. Avoid making payments without seeing the animal firsthand.
  • Secure payment methods: Use secure payment methods such as credit cards or reputable payment platforms that offer buyer protection. Be cautious of sellers who insist on wire transfers or unconventional payment methods.
  • Ask for documentation: Legitimate sellers will provide proper documentation, including health certificates, vaccination records, and registration papers for purebred animals.

PDF Logistics is committed to helping you navigate the pet transportation process safely and securely. We have strict protocols in place to ensure the legitimacy of our services and prioritise the well-being of your pets throughout their journey. Trust our experienced team to provide reliable and transparent pet transport solutions.

If you suspect any fraudulent activity or have concerns about pet scams, please contact us immediately. We are here to assist you and provide guidance to ensure a safe and legitimate pet transport experience. Your trust and the well-being of your furry friends is our utmost priority.